Is this unclaimed $405,000 yours?


The Great Iowa Treasure Hunt remains at your disposal to claim your misplaced fortune.

By law, unclaimed property, such as dormant banking accounts or uncashed dividend checks, goes to the state after a period of time. And there it sits, while Iowa Treasurer Mike Fitzgerald and his crew endeavor to match up asset with rightful owner. 

There are about 3 million names on the list, and some very large fish occasionally surface. A Storm Lake-area man neglected over a period of years to cash dividend checks and let dormant stocks revert to the state to the tune of more than $2 million.

In Polk County, Fitzgerald said one resident currently is owed $405,000, while five others are owed more than $100,000.

It’s easy to see if you’re in line. Just go to, which is where records are maintained on who is owed what. Type in your name and you’ll either see something—or not.

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