Home, sweet home on the High Trestle Trail

Make yourself at home at the new “Drop In” station on a trail in Ankeny. Photo: City of Ankeny

The next time you’re biking along the High Trestle Trail in Ankeny, by all means, take a break and make yourself at home at the bright yellow house at 2055 N.W. Irvinedale Drive.

The bright yellow “house” is actually a “Drop In” rest stop with front porch swings, public restrooms, water fountains and a bike repair station. There’s also an interactive artwork by the prominent artist Matthew Mazzotta, whose resume includes degrees from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and MIT, fellowships from Harvard and the Guggenheim Foundation, and grants from the Fulbright Program and the Smithsonian.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony is set for the project along the former Chicago Northwestern Railroad is set for 4 p.m. Monday, Sept. 18.

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