Happy Anniversary, dsm

When the first issue of dsm rolled off the press 20 years ago, it started with a simple, straightforward note from Business Publication Corporation Chairman Connie Wimer.

“Des Moines has an extremely intelligent, sophisticated and savvy group of consumers of discerning tastes who have both the desire and the ability to enjoy the finer things in life. And though others around the country have enjoyed quality social magazines in their cities, Des Moines has never before had this type of publication.

“That’s why I’m so excited about launching dsm as the Des Moines social magazine.”

She went on to offer just a glimpse of what each issue would include — community events, food and dining, art and architecture, style and even “some gossipy bits and pieces” about “where people have been seen and with whom.”

Twenty years later, you’ll still find all of that and more right here in these pages. This special issue honors Connie’s enduring vision for both dsm and our sibling publication, the Business Record, which she founded 40 years ago.

The community helped us celebrate both milestones at a fabulous party last month (which inspired this poem). Our staff also recalled a few of our favorite covers from over the years.

So thank you, dear reader — dear “intelligent, sophisticated and savvy” reader — for spending some time with us, whether you’re just joining us or have been following our coverage all along. We hope you enjoy reading this issue as much as we enjoyed producing it. Read the entire Jan/Feb issue here.

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