As a remodeling business, setting yourself apart from the crowd can be a particular challenge. Installing cabinets and countertops or beautifully finishing drywall are what every client expects of a legitimate remodeler.

But Compelling Homes stands above the rest because of its focus on an all-together different metric.

Yes, the workmanship, the planning and the details are all important, and each team member is invested in delivering those things, but what distinguishes this company is the team’s singular focus on its clients’ happiness.

“Our culture, with all the questions we ask and our design and production processes, is fixated on the goal of building happy people by creating spaces that feel perfectly attuned to the family within,” said Rusty Green, CEO of Compelling Homes

To create spaces that harmonize so beautifully with owners, the designers at Compelling Homes focus intently on the particulars of how homeowners live and move in their home. The key to creating a successfully supportive design is learning how a family uses and behaves in their space. To absorb those details, Compelling Homes uses a unique process that requires its clients to be somewhat vulnerable and 100% honest. Minimalists and maximalists (and everything in between) must show their true colors to the team so the final designs reflect the way they truly live in and interact with their home.

If the Compelling Homes team never witnesses the pile of shoes and book bags and other just-inside-the-door clutter that normally exists when the family comes home from work and school, it won’t be able to design a mudroom or built-in locker system to accommodate those needs. Nor will it be able to help your family with strategies and solutions for getting in and out the door in a more organized, less crazy-making way.

“When someone will allow us to tell them what we see and make strategic suggestions by penciling out a design idea, what comes out is magic,” Green said. And it’s that remodeling magic that results in happy clients who are investing in improving their everyday lives by remodeling their homes to fit their lifestyles like well-tailored suits.

One thing to remember about personal tailoring — everybody is different, every family operates slightly differently and every home requires distinct alterations to custom-fit its owners’ lifestyle. The made-to-measure home won’t look like its neighbors. It will be unique, and that’s something to be celebrated. When investing in space created to live and breathe in concert with the family who inhabits it, a homeowner is underwriting not only happiness but also in his or her family’s personal welfare, Green said. “Surrounding yourself with an environment where you feel in control is a strong proponent of mental health. It inspires confidence and feelings of safety and hope.” And that is a sound investment.


5650 NW Johnston Dr., Ste A | Johnston, IA |

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