Topic: Life Transformed – Caring for Your Parents
Date: May 20, 2021, 12:00 Noon Central Time (US and Canada)
Dr. Eric Barlow has been practicing psychiatry in the Des Moines metro area since 2003. His general focus is adult psychiatry, and he specializes in caring for patients diagnosed with treatment-resistant depression, dipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and schizophrenia.
Julie Bergeson is the Family Caregiver and Support Services Manager for the Iowa Department on Aging (IDA). She has worked in state government serving older Iowans and persons with disabilities for over 25 years. Julie provides technical assistance and subject matter expertise to local Area Agencies on Aging, participating in all department planning efforts and representing IDA at statewide stakeholder committees and councils.
Dr. Yogesh Shah is the chief medical officer and vice president of medical affairs for Broadlawns Medical Center. Prior to this role, he served as the Founding Director of Palliative Care and as a geriatrician in the Broadlawns Geriatric and Memory Center. Before joining Broadlawns, Dr. Shah served as the associate dean of global health at Des Moines University.
Megan Wych, MS, LMHC is a clinical manager at Employee & Family Resources. She has extensive experience working with youths and their families and has worked in residential treatment, school settings, and more traditional clinical settings.
FULL EVENT REPLAY: Life Transformed – Caring for Your Parents
Question 1: Dr. Eric Barlow answers the question “How can families help elderly parents who are experiencing anxiety, depression or other mental health challenges overcome the stigma to get the help they need?”
Question 2: Julie Bergeson answers the question “Many seniors have been struggling in the pandemic. What are resources adult children can turn to to help their parents?”
Question 3: Dr. Yogesh Shah answers the question “How do we navigate relationships while we are still trying to understand health guidelines?”
Question 4: Megan Wych answers the question “How do we navigate relationships while we are still trying to understand health guidelines?”
Lifting the Veil – Caring for Your Parents: Renee Hardman, CEO, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Iowa