Readers React – May/Jun 16

Copy Cop
I loved your editor’s note (March/April issue) about the importance of copy editors and, most specifically, the brilliance of Steve McIntire. I worked at Business Publications for two years and learned so much from him! I forgot about the clues and examples that expanded my knowledge beyond the grammar corrections. As soon as I read that, I could hear Steve doing his best Joe Pesci from “My Cousin Vinny”: “These two yutes (youths) …”

Lee Ann Bakros
Marketing and Public Relations Director
Des Moines Community Playhouse

I couldn’t put down my copy of the March/April issue of dsm when I got home from the unveiling party. I read it cover to cover. Thanks for the fabulous party and the very touching “Ode to a Copy Editor,” Steve McIntire (the editor’s note).

And what an incredible surprise to see Hoyt Sherman and this magical place highlighted in a feature story (“Who Was Hoyt Sherman?”).

Thank you.

Robert Warren
Executive Director
Hoyt Sherman Place

dsm_mar16_coverFor the Love of Reading

Just a note to thank you for publishing Barb Boose’s article, “Page Turners,” about my book group (March/April issue). It was beautifully written and captured who we are. The entire magazine was wonderful.

Kathy Elsner

An Artist’s Journey

The article about Amer al-Obaidi (March/April issue) really touched me. I am so disappointed in myself that he was at the unveiling party and that I didn’t at least thank him for the beautiful cover and the story that he shared with our community. I am grateful that dsm brings stories like his to light, so poignantly, so elegantly. It’s so important to hear more stories like these.

Megan Aronson
Minnesota Cabinets

Of Airports and Artists

I wanted to share with you a recent observation. While meeting with some fellow creatives, one told a story about chatting with a woman who had just arrived at Des Moines International Airport and who had picked up a copy of dsm magazine. After the two exchanged pleasantries, my friend and the woman each returned to their own worlds. Soon, my friend overheard her state, “Now, this is what a real magazine should look and feel like.” If ever there was a calling card to beckon newcomers to our community, dsm is it.

Your publication continues to evolve in wondrous ways, and I was especially drawn into Tim Paluch’s story about artist and refugee Amer al-Obaidi (March/April issue). Al-Obaidi’s journey is amazing, soul-touching and inspirational, and your choice to have Paluch serve as the conduit is a testament to the magazine’s journalistic excellence.

John Busbee
Producer, “The Culture Buzz,” KFMG radio

A Passionate Pro

Writer Gunnar Olson is a true professional who is passionate about his work (“Healthy Homes for Healthier Kids,” March/April issue). We don’t welcome just anyone into our home, but from day one, he understood our story and made us feel comfortable throughout the process. Thank you.

Brad Gilbert

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