Northgate Marketing

L-R: Selansia Crawford, David Tracy (CEO and Founder), Megan Hamlin, Joe Olson. Photographer: Duane Tinkey.

Q: How would you describe yourself?
A: David Tracy: I’m visionary, creative and diplomatic. I love to connect people with resources and projects. I also enjoy seeing collaboration between personalities and cultures come together for a common goal. I advocate for what’s right and using my gifts and talents for the good of others.

Q: What do you love most about Greater Des Moines?
A: I first came to Des Moines out of strategic necessity, but now it’s home. I love the people — Iowa Nice is true. I appreciate that it’s growing, the cultural diversity, its refugee history, and that it’s a city with a small-town feel, and great for my family.

Q: How did you get started in your career?
A: I was always creative and liked envisioning how things could be. Marketing began in years of international nonprofit work: communicating, advocating, fundraising and recruiting. Eventually, I decided I wanted to do marketing full-time and use it as a tool to make a difference.

Q: What do you love about your career?
A: I love to meet people from a variety of spheres. Northgate has clients in over 22 types of industries on 4 continents. We hear the personal stories of people who care about the vision of their business and help to communicate it. It’s fun. And we have a creative, caring team to do it with.

2323 Grand Avenue | Des Moines, IA 50322 | (808) 315-5945 |

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