Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden

Our Impact

13,945 free admissions provided through innovative programs and partnerships.
17,838 individuals inspired by our natural world through educational programs.
134,256 annual visitors, with 20% visiting from out of state.


Exploring, explaining, and celebrating the world of plants.

Key Services Provided

The Garden’s tropical conservatory and 12 acres of outdoor gardens provide respite and engagement with our natural world. Educational programs offer learning opportunities for people of all backgrounds, highlighting the importance of plants and native ecology. Throughout the year, guests experience botanical art and musical programming.

Key Audiences Served

No matter your age or background, access to plants and beauty is essential to our mission. This past year, we increased the number of free access acres to nearly four. The Pineapple Program makes the Garden accessible to individuals who qualify for SNAP benefits.

Ways to Give

Board of Directors

Chair – Ed Kenny, LCS Foundation
Vice Chair, Chair-Elect – Mike Abbott, Faegre Drinker
Vice Chair – Chris Hensley, Community Volunteer
Treasurer – Jessica Zaugg, Nationwide Insurance
Secretary – Jennifer Bryant, Human Pivot Consulting
Immediate Past Chair – Stacey L. Johnson, Hy-Vee
Lauren Burt, Kemin Industries
Jean Clabaugh, Aramark
Jonathan Frantz, Corteva Agriscience
Mell Meredith Frazier, Meredith Corporation Foundation
Graham Gillette, Des Moines Water Works
Kim Lien, Community Volunteer
Proctor Lureman, UnityPoint Health
Everett Miles, Principal
Ben Page, City of Des Moines Parks and Recreation
Randy Ramundt, Bayer Crop Science
Claudia Schabel, Schabel Solutions
Travis Sheets, BH Management
Mike Simonson, Simonson & Associates Architects
Jill Stevenson, Community Volunteer
Doug Van Zanten, EMC Insurance Companies
Linda Westergaard, City of Des Moines Councilwoman

909 Robert D. Ray Drive | Des Moines, IA 50309 | (515) 323-6290 |

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