Iowa Legal Aid

Our Impact

1977 – year began.
38,000 number of people served annually.
$12,827,500 annual operating budget.


Iowa Legal Aid makes hope, dignity, and justice available to low-income Iowans. We provide legal assistance and education that protect fundamental rights, basic necessities, and access to the judicial system.

Key Services Provided

Iowa Legal Aid has been meeting the needs of low-income Iowans for over 45 years. We help individuals and families with civil legal issues, including housing, education, domestic violence, consumer protection, public and economic benefits. Our clients face problems related to poverty that are persistent and defy simple solutions.

Key Audiences Served

We help small business owners impacted by the economic downturn; scores of families displaced by a devastating derecho; and set up helpdesks in county courthouses to help families avoid eviction. We also help advance race equity through expungement clinics that eliminate barriers to employment, housing, and transportation. 

Ways to Give

  • Make a donation online, by mail or phone
  • Include Iowa Legal Aid in your estate plans
  • Volunteer

Board of Directors

Karen Shaff, President
Nate Willems, Vice President
Anna Evans, Secretary
Melvin Shaw, Treasurer
Dick Davidson, Immediate Past President
Matt Chapman
Scott Folkers
Auna Goodman
Elizabeth Grob
Alison Guernsey
Samuel Jones
Timothy J. Krumm
Michael Mahaffey
Cynthia Moser
Kerry J. Rodabaugh, MD
Leon Spies (Ex officio)
Shal-Marie Winter
Danielle Young-Kruger

666 Walnut St., Ste. 2500 | Des Moines, IA 50309 | (515) 243-2151 |

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