We can think of few better resolutions than to read a book every month. If you agree (and we know you do), join Des Moines Public Library’s 2021 Reading Challenge. The program encourages participants to read books in 12 categories, such as “A Book Based On Its Cover” or “A Book Where Humans Are Not the Main Characters,” over the course of a year. Traditional books, audiobooks and e-books all count. Bonus: You can win prizes by doing so!
To register, sign up for a Beanstack account and click on the 2021 DMPL Reading Challenge, which tracks your progress. Participants who stay on track (for example, reading three books in three months, six books in six months, etc.) will be eligible to win monthly prizes. Those who complete the challenge could win the grand prize of a $150 gift card; two will win $50 gift cards.
Find out more, including suggested reads, on the Des Moines Public Library website. You can also join the public Facebook group to be inspired and to chat with other avid readers.
You can read a variety of books this year and win prizes as a part of Des Moines Public Library’s new challenge.
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