Hope Cafe Reopens With Free Meals

Hope Ministries offers free food to anyone through its Hope Cafe. Photo: Hope Ministries

Hope Ministries reopened its Hope Cafe dining hall for free on-site community meals last week—the first time since the pandemic began. Connected to the Hope Ministries’ Bethel Mission men’s shelter (1310 Sixth Ave.), the dining center has provided to-go meals for the past year to adhere to COVID-19 safety guidelines.

“We love serving our community in this way, providing not only free meals but also an encouraging and uplifting environment for our meal guests,” says Hope Ministries President/CEO Leon Negen.

Hope Cafe is open every day of the week for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Find updated hours and more information online.

Iowa Stops Hunger is a Business Publications Corporation initiative to bring awareness and action to food insecurity in Iowa.

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