United Way of Central Iowa

Our Impact

20 years of Women United impacting early childhood success.
648 individuals served by Central Iowa Healthworks, with an 82% program completion rate.
30,000 vision screenings, 6,500 eye exams, and 5,400 students receiving eyeglasses through Vision to Learn.


Improve Lives by Uniting the Caring Power of Community

Key Services Provided

United Way of Central Iowa brings together experts, volunteers, advocates, donors, leaders, nonprofits, elected officials, and others to strategically and equitably address challenges in the 5 Elements of a Thriving Community: Essential Needs, Early Childhood Success, Education Success, Economic Opportunity, and Health & Well-Being.

Key Audiences Served

We serve all central Iowans in Polk, Dallas, and Warren counties who face challenges within the 5 Elements of a Thriving Community.

Ways to Give

Board of Directors

Emily Abbas*
Michael Abbott*
Rob Barron
Wendy Batchelder
Chris Blunt
Nola Cartmill
Don Coffin
Dr. Tony Coleman
Abby Delaney
Rosalind Fox
Jem Gong-Browne
Lynn Graves*
Phil Hall
Suzanne Heckenlaible*
Christine Holmes
Laura Howe
Erica Jensen
Tessie Johnson*
Tanner Krause
Grant Kvalheim
Steve Lacy*
Heidi Mason
Tim McCulloh*
Jacquie Easley McGhee*
Joe Murphy*
Colin Pennycooke
Dan Pitcher
Janell Pittman*
Drew Porter
Renee Schaaf
Mary Sellers*
Jeremy Staun
Chris Terhark
Brent VanderWaal
Sean Vicente* (Board Chair)
Maria Volante* (Board Vice Chair)
Pastor Jonathan Whitfield
Charlie Wishman*
*Executive Committee

Ex Officio
Janice Lane-Schroeder
Toby O’Berry

1111 Ninth Street, Suite 100 | Des Moines, IA 50314 | (515) 246-6500 | www.unitedwaydm.org

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