Alt Design Studio

L-R: Sonnie Brinkman, Holly DeGoey, Jessica Lemmo, Danielle DeGraff, Taylor Johnson. Photographer: Duane Tinkey.

Q: How would you describe yourself?
A: ALT Design Studio is a modern, approachable interior design studio that loves to bring out the hidden potential in every home one thoughtful change at a time. Nothing excites us more than giving homes another chance in the modern world. Our focus is always to preserve character when possible and to add in where necessary.

Q: What do you love about your career?
A: Giving our clients a home they feel proud and excited to come home to is always our number one goal. The journey is not always easy — especially in remodels. But a good before and after always seems to resolve whatever inconvenience they may have experienced. Believe us — it’s always worth it!

Q: What are some guiding principles you’ve used in your career?
A: Question everything and ask many questions. We learn something new every day because no two homes are alike. Learning on the job is no secret in this business. We avoid “over-designed rooms” by establishing who the room’s “lead actor” is and then design the rest of the room from there. The results are always a more well-balanced room.

Q: Anything else you’d like to add?
A: Trendy or timeless is a common subject. Our rule is as long as it’s well-designed and the client is 100 percent in love with it you cannot worry about something trending out because it absolutely will in someone’s eyes eventually. We design for the present.

121 12th Street | West Des Moines, IA 50265 | (515) 491-5593 |

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