Aura Restaurant & Lounge

Michelle Booth

Q: How would you describe yourself?
A: A confident and thoughtful hospitality professional with personality and wit to match.

Q: What are some guiding principles you’ve used in your career?
A: This industry is a giant melting pot. I have met people from all walks of life and learned so much from those experiences, including: • Don’t be afraid to roll up your sleeves and get dirty. • Don’t just hear, listen. • Balance is important. Good things come to those who wait, but the early bird gets the worm.

Q: Who do you consider a mentor, and why?
A: I have several, but when I need advice without all the fluff, I go to my dad. He will tell me what I need to hear, rather than what I want to hear, which is hard to find.

Q: What is a fact about yourself others may not know?
A: Four years ago, I read an article associating art and painting with letting go of perfectionism. That led me to discover an outlet I never knew I needed – and I created all the artwork in Aura.

12851 University Avenue #400 | Clive, IA 50325 | (515) 225-6005 |

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