Mid-Iowa Council, Boy Scouts of America

Matt Hill, Mid-Iowa Council, BSA Scout Executive / CEO

Q: How did you get started in your career?
A: I started my career as an entry-level Scouting professional in Anchorage, Alaska. As a kid who grew up in a small town in East Texas, the adventure of Alaska was too strong to turn down. It was supposed to be a job I did for a year — that was 20 years ago.

Q: What do you love about your career?
A: Working with people. The lasting friendships and partnerships I’ve made in over 20+ years, across five different communities, are what I still love about my job today.

Q: Who do you consider a mentor, and why?
A: I’ve been blessed to have several mentors throughout my life and career. One who I would be remiss to not mention is my Scoutmaster Ron Mills. From a young age, Ron taught us it’s not success or failure that matters in the end, but how you deal with each.

Q: Who inspires you?A: My 8-year-old daughter. It’s amazing to try and see the world through her eyes and imagine the way the world will look when she’s my age.

6123 Scout Trail | Des Moines, IA 50321(515) 266-2135 | www.scoutingiowa.org

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