Pan & Piper Financial and Bombers Golf Development

L-R: Adam Plagge, Economic Development Director, City of Johnston. Nate Franje, Partner and Owner’s Representative, Forge Solutions. Sinan Rashid, Project Manager and Senior Architect, Imprint Architects. Karl Chambers, Owner, Imprint Architects. Allen Stoye, Developer. Paula Dierenfeld, Mayor, City of Johnston. Cory Larson, Principal, Keen Design Solutions. Adam Tillgren, Senior Project Manager, Keen Design Solutions. Greg Schulte, Project Director, Keen Design Solutions

Q: What are some guiding principles you’ve used in your career?
A: Allen Stoye: The guiding principles I prioritize are empathy, integrity and continuous improvement. Approaching situations with empathy and an open mind helps me understand others. Integrity involves being honest, transparent and consistent, while continuous improvement means learning, growing and adapting to new challenges. Always follow the Golden Rule!

Q: What is a fact about yourself others may not know?
A: I am an anesthesiologist turned real estate developer with over 20 years of experience in private practice medicine and as an Air Force physician. My medical background brings a unique perspective to my work in the industry. Transitioning to real estate may seem unexpected, but it’s given me a fresh challenge and new opportunities.

Q: What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?
A: My “weirdest” job involved standing in a mall with a clipboard, attempting to persuade busy shoppers to participate in survey questions. Believe it or not, people didn’t want to stop! This job provided an opportunity to learn valuable growth lessons about handling rejection and reacting when hearing “no.”

Q: What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? Who inspires you?
A: A successful entrepreneur once told me, “Possessing leverage in a business deal is always nice, but if you can collaborate and look for a ‘win-win,’ it will pay dividends down the road.” This lesson, paired with the old adage “you catch more bees with honey than with vinegar,” has proven true in my experience.

5525 Merle Hay Road, Suite 250 | Johnston, IA 50131 | (515) 423-7465 | |

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