A moveable feast

The pizza at Centro owes a lot to its chef partner George Formaro, who plans to dish about it at a special dinner on April 25. Photo: Duane Tinkey

Are you the kind of foodie who considers what you’ll have for dinner while you’re eating lunch? We get it: We like to plan ahead, too. We assembled a few local food events to mark on your calendar in 2025. The first events are entirely planned, but some of the later ones are still shaping up, so you’d be wise to check the websites before you go. Oh, and don’t forget: Bring your appetite.

Jan. 25: Indulge: A Wine, Cheese & Chocolate Affair moves this year to a bigger venue at the River Center. facebook.com/IndulgeDSM

Feb. 8: I’ll Make Me a World in Iowa, the state’s flagship African American festival, features soul food, barbecue, a health and wellness expo, and more at the Horizon Events Center in Clive. worldiniowa.org

Feb. 28: A Gilded Soiree, presented by Winefest and the West Des Moines Historical Society, features an elegant dinner with wine pairings prepared by chef Jacob Schroeder at the historic Jordan House in West Des Moines. winefestdesmoines.com

The Wine, Food and Beer Showcase. Photo: Rebekah Photography

March 7: The Wine, Food and Beer Showcase offers samples from more than 30 area restaurants, caterers, wineries, breweries and distilleries at the downtown Marriott. All proceeds from the event, which started in 1985, support the Des Moines Metro Opera’s statewide education and community engagement programs. desmoinesmetroopera.org

April 25: Chef George’s Slice House is an exploration of pizza history, told through six delicious courses prepared by chef George Formaro at Django’s Reinhardt Room. djangodesmoines.com

May 1: The Valley Junction Farmers Market opens for the season on Fifth Street in West Des Moines, with live music at Railroad Park, every Thursday through the end of September. valleyjunction.com

May 3: The Downtown Farmers Market opens for the season with the clang of the ceremonial cowbell on Court Avenue and continues every Saturday morning through the end of October. dsmpartnership.com

May 3: The Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival returns to the Iowa State Fairgrounds and promises a place for bacon lovers “to feast on tasty bacon delicacies, to get weird and to have a grand ol’ time,” according to its website. blueribbonbaconfestival.com

May 3: Cinco de Mayo in Valley Junction celebrates the neighborhood’s past and present connections to Latino culture with live entertainment and plenty of delicious food. valleyjunction.com

May 23-24: CelebrAsian, Iowa’s largest Asian American festival, features dozens of food booths from 16 cultures, plus exhibits, entertainment and more, at Western Gateway Park. iowaasianalliance.com

June 4-5: The World Pork Expo attracts thousands of pork producers from around the world for educational sessions, seminars and networking at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. worldpork.org

June 6-8: The Greek Food Fair returns to St. George Greek Orthodox Church with a feast of gyros, souvlaki, spanokopita, dolmathes, baklava and so much more. stgeorge.ia.goarch.org

June 7: The Iowa Craft Brew Festival features the finest ales, lagers and other sudsy concoctions from dozens of Iowa brewers at Water Works Park. iowacraftbrewfestival.com

June 13: Sips in the City, Winefest’s signature celebration, uncorks some fun on Friday the 13th with a wine-paired dinner, live music and dancing in the south lobby of the iconic Ruan Center, with floor-to-ceiling windows that offer dazzling views of the downtown lights. winefestdesmoines.com

June: Cajun Fest brings the flavors of the bayou to Iowa, with live music and plenty of crawfish. For a specific date and location, check cajunfestiowa.com.

Aug. 7-17: The Iowa State Fair returns for 10 more days of deep-fried, sugar-dusted goodness with this year’s theme, “Fair Sweet Fair.” iowastatefair.org

Irina’s Steak & Seafood serves an excellent martini and often participates in the annual dsm Restaurant Week in August. Photo: Duane Tinkey

Aug. 15-24: dsm Restaurant Week celebrates the city’s favorite dining destinations with 10 days of chef-curated menus and deals for lunch and dinner all around the metro. dsmrestaurantweek.com

Aug. 22-24: The World Food & Music Festival offers culinary specialities from around the world for three days in Western Gateway Park. dsmpartnership.com/worldfoodandmusicfestival

Sept. 27-28: Iowa’s Latino Heritage Festival returns to Western Gateway Park for another weekend of music, culture and food from Central and South America. latinoheritagefestival.org

Mid-October: The World Food Prize, often considered “the Nobel Prize of food and agriculture,” will be awarded during an annual ceremony at the state Capitol to honor individuals who improve the quantity, quality and availability of food worldwide. worldfoodprize.org

Oct. 31: Winefest’s Halloween party promises a few magic potions and spooky surprises — including the location, which was unconfirmed at press time. winefestdesmoines.com

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