Community leaders share their favorite poems

Dawn Martinez Oropeza takes a turn at the lectern on Saturday at the Des Moines Art Center. (Photo: Kelsey Bigelow)

Think for a moment: What is one of your favorite poems? What’s one that struck a chord or pulled you through a tough time?

A dozen community leaders answered those questions at the “Favorite Poem Program” on Saturday at the Des Moines Art Center, at the invitation of Poetry Palooza and CultureALL. Afterward, we asked them to summarize their remarks in just a few sentences, below.

Trevy Augustinequity advocate, Iowa Department of Health and Human Services

“As a Micronesian-American who’s lived in the Midwest for most of my life, I love ‘Tell Them‘ by Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner because it’s helped me better understand the beauty, love and importance of receiving gifts in the mail from your friends and family who reside in your home country. Receiving gifts from back home is not only thoughtful, it’s time intentionally spent curating gifts that help the recipient stay connected to their loved ones, heritage and history despite being thousands of miles apart. I highly recommend poetry lovers to explore Jetnil-Kijiner’s other work, particularly her book ‘Iep Jaltok: Poems from a Marshallese Daughter.'”

Kelly BaumJohn and Mary Pappajohn Director, Des Moines Art Center

“I was moved for many reasons to read the poem ‘Why My Mother Made Me‘ from Sharon Olds’ ‘The Gold Cell,’ the first book of poetry I ever owned, given to me by the second person I’d ever fallen in love with. Olds speaks to the beautiful and painful physicality of fundamental human experiences like desire, sexuality, motherhood and childhood. I love Olds’ honesty, candor and the materiality of her writing.”



Lenny Bell, mentor and program development consultant

“Langston Hughes’ poem ‘The Jester‘ resonates deeply with me because it captures a truth that still defines much of the African American experience: the need to mask our pain, silence our wisdom and play roles to survive in a world that often demands it. I love reading and writing poetry because it allows truth to be told beneath the surface, weaving complex emotions into words that transcend the masks we wear. Hughes’ poem reminds me of the power of poetry to reflect both the resilience and the unspoken struggles of our lives, offering a space where honesty and creativity can coexist.”

Connie Boesen, mayor of Des Moines

“‘The Hill We Climb’ by Amanda Gorman was written by a young woman who captured the moment of the time we were in, and it acknowledged that there is still much work to do to ensure that we have a country that works for everyone. If we’re willing to come together to see through the dark times, there will be light and hope of a more perfect time for everyone.”



Deidre DeJearpresident and CEO, Oakridge Neighborhood

“I first learned Maya Angelou’s poem ‘Still I Rise‘ in the fifth grade. At the time, I couldn’t fully grasp the journey of ‘rising.’ Today, the poem resonates with me in both a sobering and deeply inspiring way. While barriers are inevitable, Angelou’s words remind me of the power we have to rise above judgment, conflict and rejection. Her message restores hope and reinforces the resilience within us to transcend challenges and claim our dignity.”


Richard Demingmedical director, MercyOne Cancer Center

“The poem I shared was ‘The Facts of Life‘ by Padraig O Tuama. When I take cancer survivors on transformational journeys of challenge and discovery to mountainous landscapes around the world, I encourage them to look for three things each day: something that surprises them, something that inspires them, something that moves them. Poetry is like that for me. I’m always drawn to poems that surprise me, inspire me, or move me. Some poems move me to laughter; others move me to tears. This poem, ‘The Facts of Life,’ does both.”


Tej Dhawanmanaging director, Plains Angels

“I am inspired by Rudyard Kipling’s ‘The Ballad of East and West‘ because it highlights the illogical and artificial divisions of an East and a West on a circular planet. We benefit from acknowledging the strengths in each of us in continually moving humanity forward.”



Seso Marentesartist and community advocate

“I have had many barriers that have caused me to stop trusting others. Those barriers are now my trauma. So now I walk in fear. Every day I ask, ‘What is my fear protecting me from today?’ It’s important to know your obstacles, otherwise how can you overcome them and learn to deal with them? I have done some amazing things in this community, even though sometimes I would have rather chosen solitude. Maya Angelou’s poem ‘Alone‘ is a human reminder that we’re stronger together. To be better, you must work with others sometimes. Her poem is a weapon my inner self has accepted to fight my fears constantly.

Dawn Martinez Oropezaexecutive director, Al Exito

“‘A Path of Wonder‘ by Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian is a blessing from my teacher. Her words seem to arrive precisely when I need them — to guide, comfort and illuminate my way forward. The poem reminds me of Paramaguru Paramahansa Yogananda, who answered a sacred call to bring Kriya Yoga to the West. He left behind the school he built, the country he loved, and courageously walked the dark and uncertain path.

“In these past weeks, the poem has continued to unfold in new ways, touching different parts of my life. At a time when so many are living with soul-crushing fear, it offers a vital reminder we are not alone. It reminds me of the resilience of my Jewish and Indigenous ancestors, who endured unimaginable trials yet found ways to persevere. This poem is a reminder that in uncertainty, deep attunement will reveal the path forward.”

Zach Mecham, filmmaker and entrepreneur

“I chose ‘Dreams’ by Langston Hughes for a few reasons. First, I identify with Langston Hughes, who was a Black artist who came up during the segregation era. While a lot of his poems were very critical of people in power, he also wrote a lot of poems that were hopeful and optimistic. Disabled people deal with segregation, as well. I’m also an artist, so I know the desire to be hopeful but also to speak truth to power in my art. ‘Dreams’ seems simple on its surface, but there’s a lot more depth to it than I think people realize. It’s about the necessity of holding onto hope for survival.”

Michael Moraineditor, dsm

“I love ‘The Lanyard‘ by Billy Collins because it reminds me of all the summers I spent as a kid at camp and later as a counselor. It also reminds me that some people give and teach us more than we can ever return. The best we can do is try to pay it forward.”




Mike Pacemultimedia writer, producer, actor and spokesman

“Self-examination: It’s so hard to be real and objective. Someone said that we’re not perceived by others as we see ourselves. But in ‘Love After Love,’ Derek Walcott shows us how, helping us find that elusive truth we all seek in ourselves and encouraging us to take off the mask and stop hiding from it.”

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