dsm is proud to continue lifting the veil on mental health in our virtual event series. In 2022, our theme for the dsm Lifting the Veil series is The Road to Recovery. Through two virtual events and an annual publication, we’ll explore how the lives of Iowans have been indelibly changed by what is being described as “America’s Mental Health Crisis.”

Adults in Recovery: November 15, 12-1 p.m.
One in five adult Iowans or roughly 600,000 Iowans, live with some form of mental illness, according to the National Alliance of Mental Health (NAMI) Iowa. The pandemic has intensified this crisis, with substance abuse and addiction, anxiety and mood disorders, and other severe mental health issues on the rise. Moreover, 50% of Iowans who experience mental health challenges also struggle with substance abuse, according to the Iowa Department of Health Behavioral Health Update.
During this event, mental health experts and people in recovery will discuss the status of mental health in Iowa, provide local resources, and share how they found the strength, hope and help to begin the road to recovery.
Youth in Recovery: June 23, 12-1 p.m.
Even before the pandemic, demand for mental health and substance use services was increasing, especially for our nation’s young people. The number of youths experiencing anxiety and depression has soared, and suicide remains the second leading cause of death among individuals between 10 and 24. What’s more, there has been a significant increase in the number of school-age kids experiencing moderate to severe anxiety disorders and depression.
But there is hope. For this event, our panel of mental health experts will share information about resources for youths and families as well as stories of hope for recovery.