Look – Jan/Feb 18


Age: 32

Profession: Private chef, caterer and owner of Up In Your Kitchen.

How you would describe your style: West Coast casual and colorful.

The part of your style you’re known for: My tattoos. A lot of people love the look of my tattoos, and I take special pride in them. They really match my personal sense of style. I also have 12 pairs of Vans shoes.

Style icon: Pharrell Williams.

Where do you shop? All over the place; I may get a signature bleached jacket at Preservation, for instance, or Nike sweatpants at Scheels. I go to different places to find what I want and then put it all together.

Your style evolution? Growing up in Des Moines, I felt like I was in a box. But when I lived in California for six years, I was able to accept and be comfortable with who I am and develop my own style. Overall, everyone has their own unique style and hopefully they can portray that and feel that it’s OK to express who they are.

Passions: I love cooking and eating food—and finding good food in unique places. I’m also an artist, mainly working in watercolor.

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