Look – Mar/Apr 18

Photographer: Joelle Blanchard
Writer: Kolbie Creger

Caleb Smith

Age: 27


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How you would describe your personal style: Strange. I take my clothing and add energy to each piece, adorning myself with items that I feel a personal connection with. I wouldn’t subscribe to any particular way of dressing. Having style is more about how you feel about yourself, and not about how you think you look to others.

What has influenced your fashion choices? Rollerblading has shaped my style the most. For most people it’s a sport, but for me it is everything: movement, poetry, breath and passion. It taught me to be comfortable with who I am and what I’m doing, and that directly translates into what I like to wear.

The part of your style you’re known for: My jewelry and my Rollerblades.

The piece of clothing you couldn’t live without: My jeans. With a comfortable pair of jeans, you could exist just about anywhere and feel good about yourself.

Your style icon:

Anderson Paak.

Any fashion regrets? I went through a super skinny jean and regular dress shirt phase, which to this day I don’t understand. It made me look like a giant baby on his way to a business meeting.

Where you shop locally: I like to thrift as often as I can. I usually buy blank items and embroider or print my own designs on them.

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