‘Wine, Cheese, Chocolate Affair’

— By Design Furniture & Interior Design presents dsmDining —

Above: Molly’s Cupcakes will make a repeat appearance at Indulge this year.

By Wini Moranville

Now in its 11th year, “Indulge — A Wine, Cheese and Chocolate Affair” will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Jan. 18 and 19. The event features chocolates, charcuterie-style meats, and artisan cheeses paired with wines from around the world.

Here are just a few reasons attending this party might be worth breaking any silly New Year’s resolutions you might have come up with:

• It will be held at West End Architectural Salvage. If the party chit-chat gets dull, you can wander through the fascinatingly purveyed and beautifully displayed artifacts of vanished lives.

“Full pours of wine and generous portions of cheese and chocolate.” That promise from a press release about the event is good news to those of us who have elbowed our way through a crowd for thimbles-full of wine and scant cubes of cheeses at similar events.

The Cheese Bar and Molly’s Cupcakes are in. The Cheese Bar is coming up with a signature menu item for the event, and Molly’s Cupcakes will serve chocolate raspberry cake, French silk pie cake and  dark chocolate sea salt cookie dough.

• There’s whiskey, too. New this year, Templeton Rye will create a new cocktail just for the weekend’s festivities.

Other purveyors include Chocolaterie Stam, Soozie’s Doozies, Sartori Cheese, and Kindred Creamery. Live entertainment will be provided by Mike Aceto on Friday and Bruce Day on Saturday.

Tickets cost $40 in advance and $50 at the door (if not sold out) and are available through tickly.com. For more information, go to in-any-event.com/indulge.

Wini Moranville writes about food, wine and dining for dsm magazine and dsmWeekly. Follow her on Facebook at All Things Food–DSM.

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