Make A Meal And Give Back

If you have children who like to cook or need a fun at-home activity, here’s a chance to do it for a good cause. The annual Cook for a Cause, which encourages children and teenagers to make food and donate it to those in need, begins in March. The event is run by Real Food 4 Kids, which is accepting homemade meals as well as monetary donations. Registration is due by March 1.

Real Food 4 Kids will provide recipe ideas, directions and help with logistics. All meals will be distributed to school-aged kids and their families through local schools. You can also make a monetary donation by March 22. Funds will be used in partnership with the Justice League of Food, which helps teach previously food-insecure children how to cook to help others in need.

Learn more about Cook for a Cause and how you can help here.

For more ideas on how you can help fight hunger, consider attending our next Iowa Stops Hunger virtual event, “Suddenly Hungry,” hosted with our sister publications the Business Record and ia magazine, on March 11. Experts and front-line workers will discuss challenges they continue to face and provide ways you can help to help Iowans in need. Registration is free.

Iowa Stops Hunger is an 18-month Business Publications Corp. initiative to bring awareness and action to food insecurity in Iowa.

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