Fun Fundraising at Wine, Beer and Food Showcase

Des Moines Metro Opera’s annual Wine, Beer and Food Showcase offers all kinds of delicious morsels. Photo: Ivory House Photography.

If you love local dining, you’ll find fellow foodies at the Des Moines Metro Opera’s annual Wine, Food and Beer Showcase, 6-9 p.m. Friday at the downtown Marriott. The tasty event brings together 36 restaurants, distilleries, breweries and caterers for a smorgasbord of sampling.

Tickets are still available. All proceeds support the opera company’s education and community engagement programs, including Opera Iowa, which is currently touring “Beauty and the Beast” and “Sid the Serpent Who Wanted to Sing” statewide through May 5. More than 975,000 Iowans of all ages have seen the troupe perform since it first hit the road more than 35 years ago.

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