Catering By Cyd

Molly Lamb, Online Coordinator

Q: How would you describe yourself?
A: Harmonious, innovative and optimistic! At Catering by Cyd’s, everyone has a unique set of qualities. Areas in which I’m strong complement the completely different strengths of others on the staff. When you have a well-rounded team sharing a positive outlook, the solutions to any challenges we face are endless!

Q: What are some guiding principles you’ve used in your career?
A: Be intentional: Understand the purpose behind your work. Maintain positivity: It’s contagious and much more enjoyable for everyone! Click refresh often: Set new goals, apply constructive criticism, educate yourself on the latest trends and consistently invest in yourself by picking up new hobbies and networking.

Q: Who inspires you?
A: Chef Cyd! To the world, she is a culinary genius. But behind the scenes, I admire her patience, generosity, professionalism and devotion to learning about the many styles of cuisines in the world. I also love the way we both share a desire to elevate everything within our reach.

Q: What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
A: Go for quarterly goals, not yearly resolutions! We overestimate what we can accomplish in a year’s time frame and underestimate what we can do in just four short months. Taking a quarterly view makes you constantly reassess your progress, keeps you disciplined, and also entertains your ego with positive feedback.

5405 NW 78th Court | Johnston, IA 50131 | (515) 208-2091 |

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