Molly Phillips in Detail

Number in her 1985 graduating class in Sidney, Iowa, where she grew up on a farm—“castrating hogs, clipping eye teeth; it was far from a silver spoon.”

The person she’d most like to meet.

Fondest Memory
Her grandparents lived near her school. Every day, “Grandma would have my lunch fixed. That was awesome!

What makes her laugh. “If you can’t have fun, find something else to do!”

“I’m kind of a hothead.”
What she’d change about herself.

Brad Pitt (@ any age)
Her celebrity crush.

“It’s the loneliest job.”
Most surprising discovery upon being promoted to her current job. Previously, she served as IPTV’s director of communications for 23 years.

“I love cake!”

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Favorite indulgence: birthday cake and cupcakes.

Her Bliss
A sunny day at seaside with her family, which includes her husband, Steve Phillips; twin sons Taylor and Trevor, who are seniors in high school; and a daughter, Courtney, a teacher.

St. Martin:
Her favorite destination.

Best concert she’s ever attended: “Amazing.”

Her favorite non-public-TV show. Also “Chicago Fire.’”

Her favorite movie.

Can’t start the day without …
“checking my phones.” Plural. One personal, another for work.

Barry Manilow:
Her last concert, in Arizona with her mother and sister. “We sang our hearts out!”

Coffee or Tea?
“Tea. Earl Grey. Black.”

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