Podcasts Highlight Local Musicians

Above: Brian Campos has produced almost a hundred podcasts covering local musicians and national traveling performers.

Local music gets a frequent boost from podcasts created by Des Moines native Brian Campos.

Campos, 33, produces his “Pants OFF! Podcast” about twice a month, “every other Tuesday, unless I sneak in an extra one,” he says. Each episode features insights into the lives of local or touring musicians. The project, initiated more than three years ago, will mark its 100th podcast this spring. “I used to be in bands in my teens and 20s,” Campos says, “and this is kind of a way to get back into the music scene.”

That goal seems to be working. This Friday, Feb. 24, he will emcee the Des Moines Music Coalition’s Backstage Ball, where he will be honored as DMMC’s “Fan of the Year” for his work in spotlighting local musicians. You can also see him in action Thursday, Feb. 23, when Campos will record Pants Off! interviews and performances with local bands Tyborn Jig and THA FÜT at 8 p.m. at Vaudeville Mews ($5 cover).

You can find Pants OFF! Podcast on such places as iTunes, Sound Cloud and Google Play, Campos says. “Then you can subscribe to the series or cherry-pick,” he adds. “It’s free.”

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