Above + Beyond Cancer

Our Impact

33% of cancer is preventable by being active and good nutrition.
100% people who have improved their health statistics through our optimal living programs.
5,200+ people who watched our cancer education series on our YouTube channel in 2021.


Elevating the lives of those touched by cancer, to create a healthier world.

Key Services Provided

Above + Beyond Cancer offers weekly mind, body, spirit programs (Yoga, Tai Chi, Indoor Cycling, Cancer Education Series, Urban Pole Walking, etc…) that help cancer survivors and caregivers live lives of passion and compassion. We also offer a Book Club, Bike Club as well as Cooking + Nutrition Classes.

Key Audiences Served

We serve all survivors who have been diagnosed with cancer, no mater what kind of cancer, or where they are in their cancer journey. We serve all of the caregivers who help and support cancer survivors.

Ways to Give

Board of Directors

David Benson, American Cancer Society
Vicki Bott, Reference Point
Lyndi Buckingham-Schutt, Iowa State University
Chuck Cutler, Cutler & Associates
Diane Cutler, Community volunteer
Rob Danna, ITA Group, Inc.
Dr. Richard Deming, MercyOne Richard Deming Cancer Center
Kelly Donato, Phillips – Cardiac Lead Management
Rick Exline, LCS
Rachel Fyfe, John Stoddard Cancer Center and Blank Children’s Hospital
Cheryl Harding, Retired Health Insurance Executive
Nick Henderson, Holmes Murphy and Associates – Retired
Jason Herrig, Weitz Corporation
Becky Moomey, Bankers Trust
Morgan Newman, Cervivor.org
Dr. Andy Nish, John Stoddard Cancer Center
Brooks Reynolds, J. R. SouthPork Ranch
Dr. Yogi Shah, Broadlawns Medical Center
Greg Shireman, Marion Enterprises
Phil Stover, Mission Cancer + Blood
Dr. Christi Taylor, McFarland Clinic
Michael Zimmerman, RipRoar Events LLC

1915 Grand Ave | Des Moines, IA 50309 | (515) 770-1426 | aboveandbeyondcancer.org

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