Family Cancer Network

Our Impact

400+ Iowa families served by Family Cancer Network since 2015.
6000+ number of Iowans supporting Family Cancer Network.
1 out of 11 families file bankruptcy after a pediatric cancer diagnoses.


Family Cancer Network (FCN) is a growing nonprofit organization with the primary focus of helping patients and families dealing with blood and pediatric cancer.

Key Services Provided

FCN concentrates its efforts on providing grants to directly support patients and families who are in financial need due to a blood or pediatric cancer diagnosis. Examples would be travel costs, tutors, mortgages, rent, and utilities, as well as the many additional financial collateral damages caused by a diagnosis.

Key Audiences Served

Iowa families dealing with a pediatric or blood cancer. 1 out of every 285 children will be diagnosed with cancer. In 2022 it is estimated that over 2000 Iowans will be diagnosed with a blood cancer. Each of these would qualify for a Family Cancer Network grant.

Ways to Give

Board of Directors

Tim Mauro – CT Development
Larry Laughlin – Edward Jones
Mike Biegger – BG Foods
Kelly Cade – KJ Consulting
Peter Cade – Viking Automatic Sprinkler Company
Amy Teas – Sammons Financial
Leah Roling – Leah Roling LLC

3512 Ingersoll Ave | Des Moines, IA 50312 | (888) 395-0076 |

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