Iowa Public Radio

Our Impact

209,000 weekly radio listeners.
28,420 supporting members.
26 radio stations across Iowa.


Iowa Public Radio enriches the civic and cultural life in Iowa through high-quality news and cultural programming.

Key Services Provided

Iowa Public Radio is a statewide media organization serving Iowans with fact-driven reporting, skilled analysis, thoughtful commentary, cultural programming, and remarkable storytelling. IPR is dedicated to uncovering important stories from every corner of Iowa and lifting up more — and more diverse — voices in our communities.

Key Audiences Served

Iowa Public Radio is free and accessible to all, serving Iowans with three streams of programming: News, Studio One and Classical. IPR’s news, music and cultural programs reach all 99 counties via traditional radio, online streams, podcasts, newsletters, video and digital content.

Ways to Give

  • Become a member with a monthly or one-time donation online at or by mail to 2111 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50312.
  • Donate appreciated securities or donor-advised funds.
  • Leave a legacy and secure the future of IPR for the next generation of listeners with a planned or deferred gift.

Board of Directors

Doug Moore
Greg Schnirring
Helen Miller
Jacy Johnson
Jeneane Beck
Julie Monson
Lijun Chadima
Mary Rayburn
Nora Everett
Warren Madden
Alejandro Hernandez
Chris Martin
Chuck Swanson
Libby Jacobs
David Yepsen

2111 Grand Avenue | Des Moines, IA, 50312 | (515) 725-1700 |

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