‘Stomp’ to the beat of your own makeshift drum

The percussion group Stomp creates rhythms with improvised instruments. Photo: Steve McNicholas

Did you know the co-founders of the percussion group Stomp first teamed up in the 1980s in a British street band called Pookiesnackenburger? Well, now you do. You learn something every day.

Even now, decades later, the endlessly innovative dancing drummers (or drumming dancers?) are still figuring out new ways to tap, brush, sweep, bang and pound hubcaps, trash cans, brooms and other familiar odds and ends. See what they’re up to these days when Stomp makes a ruckus at 7:30 p.m. Friday, 2 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday and 1 p.m. Sunday at the Des Moines Civic Center.

While they’re in town, Des Moines Performing Arts is collecting coats to “Stomp Out the Cold.” You can drop off coats any time Friday through Sunday in the lobby, before they’re donated to Children and Families of Iowa.

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