Iowa Bicycle Coalition

Luke Hoffman

Q: Tell us about your business.
A: The Iowa Bicycle Coalition is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring that everyone has safe, accessible and fun experiences bicycling in Iowa. Our core organizational values are advocacy, education and building community.

Q: What makes your business special?
A: We are celebrating our 20th anniversary this year, and so many of our long-standing events have had record attendance. The Iowa Bike Expo and RAGBRAI Route Announcement Party in January attracted over 5,000 people. Our theme for this special anniversary year is “Building Community,” which is one of our core organizational values.

Q: How does your business contribute to the community?
A: We partner with the Governor’s Traffic and Safety Bureau (GTSB), which provides us a grant to host educational and fun bike rodeos at schools across the state. We have received a grant from the Iowa Department of Transportation for the last 17 years for our Safe Routes to School Program, where community members identify and protect bikeable and walkable routes to school, so kids can safely get to school using a form of alternative transportation. We partner with RAGBRAI on our training ride series of fun bike rides, including the Pigtails Ride in May, and the Bacoon and Big Rove rides in June.

906 Quarry Road | Coralville, IA 52241 | (515) 309-2867 |

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