
At The Table With LeeTy Delights

Tyonda Boagard-King (front) and Elisha King (back) are the minds behind LeeTy Delights, a ...

Chocolate Sales Up During the Pandemic

BY STEVE DINNEN Des Moines philanthropist Trudy Hurd says she never likes a day ...

Giving So Others May Have A Home

Anawim Housing has long been a philanthropic focus of Sue Kenny. BY STEVE DINNEN  ...

Chocolate Sales Up During the Pandemic

BY STEVE DINNEN Des Moines philanthropist Trudy Hurd says she never likes a day ...

Giving So Others May Have Affordable Homes

BY STEVE DINNEN Some people give money to charities. Some volunteer their time. Then ...

Cloris Awards Honor Local Theater

Madison Ray hosted the 2020 virtual Cloris Awards this past weekend, honoring both theater ...

The Avenues Designated a Cultural District

This sculpture, “Black Crown of Recurring Loss,” by Larassa Kabel on the front lawn of Plymouth ...

Grab George’s Choice at Gateway Market

A cartload of goodies at Gateway Market, a natural and organic food store on ...

On the Cover – dsm Sep/Oct 20

On the cover: Known primarily for her beadwork, Joyce J. Scott often addresses cultural ...

One Word After Another – James A. Autry

The Inanimate Object Conspiracy Friends and relatives have questioned my sanity or simply dismissed ...