Local Love: Austin Baldwin and Lexy Bergan

High school sweethearts Austin Baldwin and Lexy Bergan tied the knot last year on Oct. 1, a vibrant fall evening filled with family and friends. The ceremony and reception took place on the grounds of Barnes’ Place in Adel, and Lexy’s grandmother served as her maid of honor.

Lexy’s unconventional black dress was a surprise, first to herself and then to Austin.

“I tried it on completely as a joke,” she said. “My mom and sisters and I were planning on laughing and then carrying on with dress shopping, but when I walked out of the dressing room we all loved it so much!”

Photographer: Chelsea Weaver, Photography by Chelsea

To submit your wedding photos for consideration, please send them to editors@bpcdm.com. Be sure to note your name and your spouse’s, as well as the wedding date and location. Also include the photographer’s name and confirm that you either own the photos or have the photographer’s permission for publication.

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