Nightfall Rocks as River Rolls

Above: Nightfall on the River rolls through August with performers such as singer-songwriter Gregory ...

Free (No Strings Attached)

Above: Members of the Belin Quartet alternate among performances and include John Helmich, Tracy ...

Broad Horizons

Des Moines Metro Opera’s 45th summer festival already is making waves. Here's why.

Podcasts Highlight Local Musicians

Above: Brian Campos has produced almost a hundred podcasts covering local musicians and national ...

Music to our Ears: Easy Home Concert

Above: Spontaneity is always fun at a house concert. Here, musician and marketing guru ...

‘A Healing Effect’

Writer: Larry Erickson Photographer: Piper Ferguson Sarah and Bryan Vanderpool have chased their dreams ...

Coming Home Reignites Career

Writer: Chad Taylor Photographer: Joseph Leaming If you’re a fan of local music, or ...

Kamillah Jonaé Camp-Bey

Photographer: Joelle Blanchard Musician How you would describe your style: I’m an old soul, ...

The Artist’s Way

For Des Moines singer and award-winning songwriter Mary McAdams, writing a song “almost always ...

Music Makers

Written by Chad Taylor Photos by Dan McClanahan If you’ve lived in Des Moines ...