By Christine Riccelli
Why bother? That’s my general view of New Year’s resolutions. In my experience, resolutions to, say, exercise more, organize my kitchen pantry or read that classic languishing on my bookshelf consistently lead to discouragement and disappointment.
But as the dsm team put this issue together, I realized that with a little recasting, making resolutions can be fun—if they involve doing something new and different around town. For instance, you can:
- Explore a new neighborhood. I know how easy it is to simply stay put in your own bubble, no matter if you live downtown or in Waukee. But I encourage you to blast through your inertia and visit an area you haven’t been to in a while (or at all), such as Highland Park or Dogtown (read story here). Both are undergoing exciting revitalization efforts and offer fresh ways to enjoy shopping (e.g. Des Moines Mercantile), entertainment (the renovated Varsity Cinema), dining (such as Gursha Ethiopian Grill), public art (murals and bus shelters) and more.
- Enjoy the arts in a new way. Have you been meaning to go to the opera or the ballet or the symphony but have yet to do so? Snap out of it! In this story, you’ll find plenty of ways to experience a new art form in 2022 and fill your calendar with not-to-be-missed shows—some of which are newly created—whether your interests lean more toward Broadway or Beethoven.
- Try a new restaurant. If there’s one message we’ve heard clearly from you, our readers, it’s that you love dining out and knowing the latest restaurant news. Writer Karla Walsh recaps what’s new on the scene—including Parlor and the New Northwestern Cocktail and Wine Bar—as well as provides updates on favorites such as Table 128 (read here).
Buy from local makers and locally owned shops, where you can find the perfect Valentine’s Day gift and ways to freshen up your home with houseplants.
And all of that is just a start. Your 2022 resolutions also can include trying new recipes, getting to know local musicians, even getting involved with a nonprofit you haven’t supported in the past—check out our rsvp section for ideas.
For even more ways to enjoy our city this year, read our free newsletter, dsmWeekly. One of our team’s (fun!) resolutions was to revamp the newsletter to better serve you. So in the refreshed dsmWeekly, which now publishes every Wednesday, you’ll find the latest news in food and dining, arts and culture, and more, plus ideas of what to do throughout the coming weekend. Subscribe here.
I look forward to seeing you at xBk, the Secret Admirer, Pots and Shots, the Des Moines Civic Center—or any of the other places highlighted in this issue. In the meantime, the entire dsm team wishes you a healthy and happy new year!